Exchange rate (24h):
1 BTC = 67,364.94 USD


Expect the Unexpected

Vie Faucet Script 2024

The script made with:

  • CodeIgniter PHP Framework
  • Bootstrap 4
Main Features:

  • Support multiple currencies, price updated automatically!
  • User-level system
  • Achievements
  • Leaderboard
  • Auto faucet
  • Manual Faucet
  • Shortlinkwall
  • Paid To Click
  • Offerwalls
  • Lottery
And much more:

  • Protect your faucet from VPN/ Proxy
  • Auto ban cheaters
  • Professional admin panel
  • Protect admin panel with Google Authenticator

0.00297 BTC
or $200.00 USD

File Size: 43 MB

Instant Download!
Rating: ?/5
number of votes: 0
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$200.00 USD

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0.00296890 BTC
$200.00 USD