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1 BTC = 67,124.35 USD


Expect the Unexpected

Terms & Conditions

TutuBay Pty. Ltd. provides a service where individuals can buy (Buyer) goods or services via theTutuBay website at (Site).These Marketplace Terms and Conditions (Terms) form a binding legal agreement between Tutubay, its directors, officers, employees, successors and assignees, and each person, organisation or entity using the Services including but not limited to each Buyer (each referred to as a User, collectively the Users). By ticking the ‘I Agree’ option on registration and using the Site and Services, each User agrees to comply with and be legally bound by these Terms. Please read the Terms carefully. If there are any questions, the User is encouraged to contact TutuBay using the contact details at the end of these Terms. The User’s use of the Site and the Services indicates that the User:
I. has had sufficient opportunity to access these Terms and contact TutuBay;

II. has read, accepted and will comply with these Terms;

III. has legal capacity to enter into a contract for sale; and

IV. is 18 years or older.

If this is not correct, or if the User does not agree to these Terms, the User is not permitted to use any of the Services.