Exchange rate (24h):
1 BTC = 67,364.94 USD


Expect the Unexpected

Cythosia Botnet v3 [Webpanel + Builder]

Main Functions:

+ Download & Execute
+ Update

Distributed Denial of Service Functions (DDoS)

+ Syn
~ 20 Bots can kill little Sites
~ Customizeable Port & Strength(Http, Sql, Gameserver)
~ Perform attacks on homeconnections
~ Highly customizeable
~ Multithreaded GET Requests - Generates Traffic as hell
~ Keeps GET Requests open


Socks5 Proxy

+ Opens Port with UPnP if router supports it
+ Redirects all TCP requests multithreaded -> very good speed
+ Configureable Username and Password

Control Panel

+ Nice looking Ajax Panel
+ Hardcoded Password -> secure
+ Taskmanagement System
+ Export Online SOCKS5 LIST

0.00134 BTC
or $90.00 USD

File Size: 5 MB

Instant Download!
Rating: ?/5
number of votes: 0

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