Exchange rate ():
1 BTC = 67,124.35 USD


Expect the Unexpected

Eckmar's Marketplace Script 2.0 + Installation

Script is built using PHP (Laravel) and it's made with TOR optimization in mind. It can be ran like any other web application (in case you don't want to do anything with TOR) but it's made without use of JavaScript and it requires Bitcoind in order to process deposits and withdraws. Requirements: VPS (any specs) in order to run script Bitcoind (on same or other server) Main features: Mnemonic password reset When user registers he gets unique mnemonic key that he will use in case he forgets password. Vendor accounts Any user can register and buy stuff on marketplace but in order to create listing you need to have vendor account status. Vendor status can be obtained in two ways. You can apply for it and try to get it for free after admin reviews your request or you can pay for it (amount is set in admin panel). Autofill Autofill system is created for users that sell many items (cd-keys for example). They can populate field where each line represents one item to be sold. In case that product is autofilled delivery state is skipped when user purchase product and he gets what is on the first line automatically. Messaging system Not much to say here. Pretty much self-explanatory. Users can send private messages to each other... Wallet system When user wants to deposit new deposit address will be generated for him every time (deposits on old addresses generated by user will still be valid). Current system in place is that user have to click check balance button in order for system to check if he has any balance to be added on his account (Please note that this system can be changed so server will auto-check every minute but this may be intensive task to run every minute if you got a lot of users) Picture Escrow When user purchase any item there is fee (can be set) and automated escrow. In case seller did not delivered goods or goods are not what they are supposed to be, buyer can open dispute. Both users and admin have access to dispute discussion (you will see example where one of users is in fact admin so he can reply as disputed party or admin). Feedback There are two parts of this system. Feedback score and trust rating. Feedback score is basically percentage of positive feedback and Trust rating can be Very Low,Low,Average or High (Unproven if user has less then five feedbacks) News Basically like blog that will appear on first page. You can use it in case you want to update your users. Auction System Product can be sold normally or as auction. You can specify end date, minimum bid and buyout prices. After that process is automatic. System will automatically update minimum bid (in case users actually bid on product of course) and when time reaches end date of an auction and no one bought it (buyout) user with largest bid will be auction winner and all other users will be refunded.

0.00298 BTC
or $200.00 USD

File Size: 32.72 MB

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number of votes: 200
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Thank you support for help out with installation

2021-11-02 16:59:19 UTC


Amazing script, easy to setup and interface looks good… thank you

2021-07-22 13:15:36 UTC


Working perfectly

2020-04-09 19:12:04 UTC


Thanks for the script...easy to install A++

2020-03-07 23:12:05 UTC


Thanks for the product... works great A++

2020-02-15 21:40:52 UTC

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0.00297954 BTC
$200.00 USD