Features ------------ -- Coinpayments IPN Integration (only for purchases) -- Manual Payments - You will receive a Withdraw Request, just copy the address and send money to user, put TXID on the request and mark as Paid – Accept Dogecoin(default) or any other cripto currency accepted by CoinPayments(+700 coins) – Affiliate Program with fixed percentage – Withdraw Request Page for Mining Earnings -- Users can have multiple plans active at same time -- Automatic plan deactivation -- Payments Page with last 10 Deposits and Withdraws -- User Details(Referral List, Deposit and Withdraw History, Affiliate History, Pending Deposits, Edit email and password)
Admin Panel -------------------- ---- Site Statistics ---- Plans Management (List, create, edit, delete) ---- User Management (View User Details, Withdraws, Deposits, Affiliate Earnings, Active Plans) ---- Withdraw Requests (List, edit) ---- Transactions History (all deposits made by users) ---- IPN Logs ---- Settings ---- Manage Admins(list, edit, create) ---- Blockchain URLs (list, edit, delete, add) ---- Contact Messages (Read, reply) ---- Manage Addons(install, uninstall, edit)
Included ----------- -- Script -- Install Instructions -- Excel Calculator for Plans Prices Calculation