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Expect the Unexpected

BSI CC Auto shop Script

This is a full version of the auto shop BSI Marketplace. You Can Sell Credit card Banks accounts Online wallet accounts Shells Channel/whm Scam pages Email lists Combos Letters for scam emails Php mailers SMTPS RDPS Scripts Hack tools and Much much more! Admin panel Users control Settings activate or deactivate any market place / coin-payments settings / membership prices / activate or deactivate membership section / logo / site name News posts / can post HTML news that will be displayed on the home page of the site Withdraw requests / approve or cancel withdraws requests / archive payments Switch on/off bitcoin payment Switch on/off paypal payment Seller rating system / buyer can rate each purchased item and this will reflect to the seller of the item purchased Item report system buyer can report any purchased item on store , and this will automatically open ticket and invite seller on I’ve chat between buyer/seller/admin Refund system / seller can refund reported item easily Deposit system Withdraw system Individual Store link Each sellers have individual link that can be shared on social media or forums (ex: where 102 is seller id 5 best sellers on home page Item check system buyer can check any item before buying / check cc / check shells / check channel/whm Login page Register page Forgot password page About script: Languages : PHP 7, HTML, CSS, JS, MYSQL Script core based Codeigniter SQL Injection test passed XSS test passed Contact Us for Support Concerning Installation, thank you.

0.00074 BTC
or $70.00 USD

File Size: 3.7 MB

Instant Download!
Rating: 4/5
number of votes: 12


Nice and easy to install script. Thank you

2021-12-11 06:03:41 UTC

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