- admin rights
- sending SMS
- SMS interception / hidden SMS interception
- receive all SMS on the phone
- get all installed applications
- show message
- Push
- auto Push
- geolocation
- web injections 230 pcs. including cryptocurrency ones, work on 4-9 versions
- grabber cards (5 types)
- launch an injection (grabber) at an interval
- get all contacts
- spam on all contacts of the bot or on your base of numbers
- access to the file system (rat) download photos, audio recordings, text formats.
- screen stream (rat) - from version 5.0 and higher
- sound stream (rat)
- open url in browser
- open url in bot activity
- call forwarding
- cryptoclocker
- remote launch of installed applications
- search for files by signature
- sound recording (2 types)
- keylogger (does not apply to browser)
- Socks5 module - from version 5.0 and higher
- get bot IP
- delete bot
- disable Google Play Protect